Tag Archives: nature art

Tangled Web We Weave…


When thinking about what I wanted to discuss this week, the part of a Sir Walter Scott quote, “Oh, what a tangled web we weave,” instantly came to mind.  No, I am not going to talk about spiders or deceit.  I thought we could have a chat about jewelry.  I know, at first visions like this might pop into your mind.

Who can blame anyone for dreaming about such lovely jewelry pieces as those made by Emily and Eden. But those beautiful pieces can quickly become this:


Why then, are we so often cruel to those little reflections of us?

Get where I am going with this?  Jewelry is such a personal thing and if you are anything like me it isn’t just something to go with an outfit. Jewelry reflects my mood and personality.  Why then, are we so often cruel to those little reflections of us?

It is this question that inspired me to develop a line of paper mache organizers that carefully and creatively stores your jewels and trinkets.  Like the jewelry,  I wanted the organizers to reflect your personality.

I tried to create a variety of styles to meet as many needs as possible.

Who knew organization could be so fun? Plus, the great thing about paper mache decor is they are more durable so if it gets knocked down it is less likely to break. However, I can’t guarantee there won’t be a tangled mess to clean up.

Show some love to yourself and your jewelry this year!

Hopefully you can see that a little organization doesn’t have to be a bad thing.  Show some love to yourself and your jewelry this year!

All of the above organizers are available in my Etsy shop. If you don’t see anything that reflects your personality but like what you see, shoot me a message. I welcome custom orders!  Also I would appreciate it if you would send me a message if you know of a shop that these jewelry organizers would look great in, I am getting ready to branch out and start selling wholesale.

Until Next Week!






Beating Back the Winter Blahs…


If you are like me, by the end of Summer you are excited to see the cooler temperatures moving in and relish the beauty of the leaves changing color signaling Fall.  I even find beauty in the bare branches of the trees during Winter, but after a bit begin craving the vibrant colors of Spring.  Several years ago  at our home in Oklahoma I got so desperate for Spring that I painted the walls red and created a paper mâché wall mural in the stairwell so I would be greeted by color and nature every morning when I woke up and headed downstairs to start my day.

Here is a quick look of my view going down the stairs:

I had permanently affixed the mural to the wall so sadly it had to stay in Oklahoma.  Now that we are in a rental home in North Carolina, I don’t have the option of painting bright colors on the wall and affixing a paper mâché nature mural to it.  This led me to look around and see what creative ways can be utilized to beat back the winter blahs.  Below are a few ways I found:

  1. Removable wallpaper:  Whether you rent or just like to decorate your space according to your mood this is perfect because you aren’t married to it.
Removable Wallpaper Chart                        1. Spoonflower , 2. Wallflora Shop, 3. Swag Paper, 4. Hygge and West, 5. Timothy Sue,                                                              6.  Modified Tot, 7. Wallternatives, 8. Wallflora Shop

2.  Accent Pillows: I am especially fond of the pillows that have a removable cover.   Removable covers make it easier to keep them clean and also to interchange whenever the mood strikes.  Here are a few that caught my fancy:

Colorful Pillows              1.  Anthropologie, 2.  Anthropologie, 3.  World Market , 4.  Rove Studio,  5.  Megan Auman,                                                           6. TanisT,  7.  Hayneedle,  8.  Pottery Barn


I would love to keep this conversation going by hearing what you do to try and combat the winter blahs.

Would it be easier to keep up with these posts via email? Then click here and sign up for my weekly email newsletter. It will include my blog posts and other fun topics. You will also be able to get first dibs on new products that launch by getting advanced notice of when getting listed in my Etsy shop and a once per year discount that only my email subscribers will be privy to!

Until Next time, live a color filled life!



A Little History


Since I have been furiously making items to sell at The Alliday Show and the Indie Emporium show, I decided I would give a little history on how I started working with paper clay.  It all began when I started renovating our 1910 home and wanted to add some pizzaz to our stairwell.  It was winter time and everything was dead and the skies were gray.  I love color and decided I wanted to do a dimensional wall mural that would reflect what I wanted to see when I looked out the window.  I began researching how I was going to accomplish this dimensional wall mural and came across paper clay.  Here is what I ended up with.

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I almost immediately fell in love with how easy, lightweight and versatile paper clay is.  After this project I began looking for other ways to incorporate this medium into my creative endeavors.  I never would have guessed back then that I would figure out a way to make jewelry, lights and bowls using paper clay.

I’m curious as to what interesting mediums you have used in your creative endeavors?

Happy Creating!
